5 signs that you are being micromanaged: How to handle micromanaging without loosing interpersonal relationship?

 79% of participants agreed that they have gone through micromanagement in their career phase. 

Micromanagement is draining, it kills creativity.

Steve Jobs explains it well:

Employers who micromanage their teams end up working with people who are dependent on them for every decision. 

5 alarming signs that your boss is micromanaging you:

1. You are constantly being told what to do, how to do and report the progress frequently. Micromanagers constantly look for weaknesses in other's tasks.

2. You prefer to do poor quality work but never take initiative to discuss the improvements. Micromanagers do not like feedbacks.

3. Your details of every small work matter more than your results. Micromanaging bosses do not focus on results, they believe in "my way or highway."

4. Constantly hovering on your head. If you feel drinking up a coffee is also a sin, you are badly being micromanaged.

5. Demands constant seriousness at workplace. All micromanagers want is that employees are looking at laptop, free time some conversations would drive them crazy even if you are performing well.

How to handle micromanaging boss?

-Learn to say "No"

-If you cannot talk verbally, send a subtle mail describing your viewpoint.

-Talk with a higher authority and highlight the seriousness of issue.

- Drill deep to root cause- Am I a misfit here? Are other's also facing this? Why this is impacting you?

Clear communication at times improve the situation much more than what we can imagine. If nothing improves at all, there is always a scope for job change, better workplace, better culture.

 Research company's culture before switching job and be positive about your progress in life.

All the best...!!

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