Salary stagnation is rising concern among Middle Level Managers: 58% Middle managers think they have hit the career ceiling
Organizations play smart tricks to stagnate the salary rise among Middle Level Managers. There are minimal growth opportunities for Middle Level Managers in large corporates. The rising concern over career stagnation of Middle Level Managers is not hidden in any economy. Even in growing economy where corporates are expanding robustly, Middle Level Managers suffer low growth and career development opportunities. Some of the key issues faced by Middle Level Managers are: 1. Lack of interest in training as there are lesser roles on senior position and low chances of promotion. This creates a n intense lack of motivation for training, personal growth and advancement opportunities. 2. What worked for getting you to Middle Level Position will not work to put you in Senior Level Position. It is a reality check situation for the Middle-Level Managers where there are very less scope for growth after a certain point. 3. There are very less examples who made it till Top-Executive...